Elden Ring: Sony and Ubisoft

A former developer of Battlefield 2042, which is now at Ubisoft - and two developers of Sony, including the Senior Quest Designer of Horizon Forbidden West , have removed openly over Elden Ring. Two of these developers have now made their Twitter accounts private, but screenshots have already been held by the tweets.

On Twitter, the former developer of Battlefield 2042 and current UX director at Ubisoft, Ahmed Salama, pointed out that Elden Ring with an average rating of 97 points on Metacritic a "proof" is that game critic is a dirt around user-friendliness Scissors of games.

Salama adds that the ELDEN RING user interface is so bad that he can only imagine that the developers should use "smoking" and tube monitors at FROM software.

Rebecca Fernandez O'Shea, developer on Nixxes Software and Blake Reboute software responded to Senior Quest Designer by Horizon Forbidden West - and also criticized the PC graphics, stability & performance of the game and quest design.

Reddit user "Gamboozino" has only the following answer:

_If ubisoft Developed Elden Ring: _

Ex-EA DICE, Ubisoft, Sony & Horizon Devs TRASH Elden Ring, Other Game Devs & Internet Respond Image via reddit user: Gamboozino


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